Paul Gohmann helping students with a coding project on Scratch.
Paul Gohmann
Information Security Consultant, Eli Lilly & Company
Paul Gohmann was a new STEM Partner for the 2019-2020 school year. During the past school year, Mr. Gohmann volunteered with Ms. Kelly’s 3rd-grade class at an Indianapolis school. Now, more than ever, we have begun to truly recognize the hard and impactful work that teachers in Indiana and across the world do for their students. Paul was motivated to become a STEM Partner when he noticed the shortcomings in the American education system. He felt that if he volunteered for just a few hours each month, it would help out both the teacher and the students. Paul was right, and Ms. Kelly and her students agree that his involvement as a STEM Partner has made an impact!
“I believe STEM education should be started at an early age, but there aren’t nearly enough resources available within our education system.”
Paul encourages students to think through problems they have with their coding activity.
Similar to the experiences of the Partners we’ve previously highlighted, Paul’s students were appreciative of him and enjoyed his presence. After regular visits, Paul started to receive fist bumps, hugs, and high fives from the students he worked with. In the classroom, the students light up around Paul. They don’t hesitate to ask him for his help and input as they complete their work. Any visitor to the classroom could see how the students always listen intently as Paul helped them think through problems they needed to solve.
Paul reflected on his experience, noting that he’s “Adding value not only as a helper in the classroom for the programming sessions with the students but also as an adult who can simply acknowledge that each student is a valuable person.” Paul’s genuine encouragement of the students helps build students up and feel that they are absolutely valuable. Paul always encourages the students after completing their coding, working through bugs, and trying their best! With the essence of a true STEM Partner and role model, Paul believes that encouragement helps students understand that they can do anything!
Problem-solving students collaborating to complete their coding assignment.
The desire to positively impact one’s community is a common motivator for volunteering. In this case and most cases for our Partners, not only has Paul had an impact on his classroom, but the classroom has impacted him. He has gained a better perspective on the challenges teachers face. Through volunteering as a STEM Partner, Paul realized that he can contribute to improving how we educate students. Paul and his classroom experience personify the beauty of the STEM Partners program and how it positively influences teachers, students, and volunteers!
“I’ve gained a better perspective on the challenges teachers face and that I can - even in a small way- contribute to better educating our youth.”
With a better understanding of the challenges in schooling, Paul wants to share this advice with potential STEM Partners:
You don’t need to be a scientist or a “brainiac” to help out students.
Teachers need and will appreciate helping hands! Offering a few hours each month will help tremendously!
Consider being a STEM Partner!
Paul passes out Valentine’s to all the students in the class, calling out each student by name.
Thank you, Paul, for volunteering as a STEM Partner and thank you to Ms. Kelly and her students for participating in the STEM Partners program! This program wouldn’t be successful without the commitment by its STEM Partners and teachers!
COVID-19 has put an added strain on teachers in Indiana. With the next school year quickly approaching, consider donating your time to assist teachers with their STEM education curriculum, and enrich the STEM learning environment in the classroom. To apply to be a STEM Partner, click here.