The objective of the State Robotics Initiative (SRI) is to provide a hands-on, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning opportunity to every Indiana student through an economical, entry-level robotics platform.
TechPoint Foundation for Youth (TPF4Y) is now moving into its seventh year of offering a robotics start-up grant, which provides everything needed to start a successful robotics program.
The Indiana State Robotics Initiative is an expansion of the successful Indianapolis workforce initiative started in 2012 by former Mayor Greg Ballard. In 2016, TechPoint Foundation for Youth opened a grant for Indiana elementary schools to remove the cost barrier associated with launching robotics programs.
As a result, Indiana has become a national leader in elementary school robotics education. Indiana is the first state to invest public, private and philanthropic dollars in elementary education to cultivate student interest in high demand STEM careers.
Why Robotics?
Robotics is a proven platform that engages diverse student populations in comprehensive STEM subject matter and has been proven to spur student interest in STEM college and career pathways. Because of its multifaceted nature, robotics has the potential to engage all students, regardless of their level of academic ability, in complex yet fun ways, encouraging them to use critical thinking skills to solve a given task. Robotics requires students to develop mechanical and electrical knowledge as well as an understanding of computer programming, teaching students how to design, prototype, and troubleshoot, all while working together as a team. We believe that robotics is one of the most valuable academic activities a school can provide students in order to prepare them for life.
Prior to the State Robotics Initiative, Indiana had 73 elementary, 156 middle school, and 170 High School VEX teams. We are proud to say that 6 years after launching the SRI, our state can boast an impressive 952 elementary, 491 middle school, and 237 high school VEX teams!
Indiana is now a national leader with the most VEX IQ teams in the country!
TPF4Y is on a mission to ensure that all Indiana’s underserved, K-12 students have access to experiential learning opportunities that increase STEM knowledge and inspire STEM career exploration. The more students participate in STEM learning opportunities after school, the more interested they become in STEM subjects and majors. (Afterschool Alliance, 2018)
what parents are saying about robotics
what students are saying about robotics
Check out this video of Indiana students sharing how robotics is impacting them!
what teachers are saying about robotics
“Robotics has had a profound impact on student’s drive, passion, and commitment to lifelong learning in too many ways to name.”
“Every time I ask students what robotics has done for them, it’s nearly unanimous: it has built confidence in them. There is so much pressure on kids in this day and age. Robotics shows the kids that failing and mistakes are part of the process. And when they accept that that’s okay, they start to build confidence in their decision-making.”
“It changed students’ outlook on the science/technology fields forever. My students creativity and critical thinking skills have soared to new heights due to this experience.”
For additional information please contact Jamie Inskeep at Jamie@TechPointYouth.org